INTRO: The loss of Kosovo is a major blow to the Serbian propaganda, especially to Dr Darko Trifunovic who has been portraying good people of Kosovo as "terrorists." Today, Kosovo Albanians are finally free from Serbian terrorism, and the Serb terrorists will never terrorize Kosovo again. Not surprisingly, Dr Darko Trifunovic has called for Serbia to start a new war in Kosovo! But considering that Serbia lost all wars in the Balkans, there is no point for Serbia to start new military adventures.

Photo: Kosovo Albanians celebrate independence from Serbia and freedom from Serbian terrorism.
Kosovo is finally independent and is getting recognized by the major world powers as I type this blog entry. I must confess, it's a beautiful feeling to watch Kosovo Albanians finally free from Serbian terrorism. Serbs consider Kosovo to be "craddle of the Serbian civilization," but after losing all Balkan wars - Serbia has finally lost Kosovo, for good.The loss of Kosovo is a major blow to the Serbian propaganda, especially to Dr Darko Trifunovic (photo on the left) who has been wasting his energy to spread manufactured lies portraying Albanians, Bosniaks, and other non-Serbs as "terrorists." Of course, Dr Darko Trifunovic is irrelevant; he is a former identity theft criminal who was fired from his diplomatic job after being caught in a document forgery ring and he is also a disgraced Srebrenica genocide denier and long-time discredited "terrorism expert."
In his latest piece titled "It's Time for Us to Show our Teeth" published in ultra-nationalist Serbian newspapers "Glas Javnosti", Dr Darko Trifunovic has called for Serbia to start a new war in Kosovo, quote:
"As soon as Pristina declares independence... Belgrade must order tanks to attack Kosovo, including the artillery bombings of the Province until Kosovo is returned under sovereignity of Serbia..." (Source Link)
Of course, Dr Darko Trifunovic's terrorist threats against the people of Kosovo are irrelevant. With no credibility and with a shameful criminal background, Dr Darko Trifunovic is absolutely irrelevant.
We wish people of Kosovo all the best, from the bottom of our hearts! Congratulations Kosovo! Long Live Kosovo! Long Live Freedom!
Labels: albanians, bosniaks, Darko Trifunovic, Darko Trifunovich, kosova, kosovars, kosovo, metohija, serb terrorism, serbian terrorism, serbs